I have some meat, a packet of glass noodles (Tang hoon) & a packet of bought Salted Mustard in the fridge. As I went out this morning, time was running a little late so I decided to cook something very simple. It was already 1030am, my son would be coming home for lunch and I have to take another shower (after the cooking) before playing with Alif by 115pm. His mother will be going to her tailoring class by 130pm.
I cooked one soup and made one simple appetizer.
Hubby was too busy with work today to buy vegetable and I too didn't buy any this morning.
Meat, Tanghoon and Salted Mustard Soup
To cook :
1. Saute 3 grounded garlic, one inch ginger and 1 small shallot with very little cooking oil.
2. When aromatic, add in the thinly small sliced red meat (after cleaning).
3. Add in some water (probably same level as the meat) and let boiled until meat are slightly tender. Water should be added once in a while while waiting for the meat to be tender.
4. Add in the finely chopped Salted Mustard.
5. Add in the cut Tanghoon or glass noodles (which are soaked in water to soften).
6. Add salt (not too much as the mustard is salty) and ajinomoto to taste.
7. Serve hot with rice.
Kerabu Sayur Masin (appetizer)
Actually I didn't make use of the whole packet of Salted Mustard for my soup dish up there. I divided the chopped Sayur Masin into half and made one half of it into this 'Kerabu'.
A simple one to prepare, and I don't know if you are as lazy as Mak isah is today...as it has been raining non stop since late morning!
When the weather's cold anything will be eaten as everybody are hungry on a wet day huh? :p
1. In a bowl, add in the chopped salted mustard.
2. Add some anchovies and one sliced big onion.
3. Add some sliced 5 - 6 hot red or green cili padi.
4. Mix well.
* You may add some lime juice if you want.
It was really appetizing!
kerabu sayur masin? tak pernah makan la...mcm ok juga...
Oh I notice that you have a new design....nice...and the same colour scheme as mine too....One day we should meet in Miri!!
Cuba la Luciana... :)
Yes we should, I'd love to do that :)
Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. Yours is as nice :)
wahh.. kerabu sayur masin ya molah kecur liur la Mak Isah hehe.. emak kmk biasa polah engkah pusuk, bawang merah+putih manyak2 ngan limo jak.. resipi Mak Isah tok da sayur masin.. boleh la coba tok kelak :D
Terompah Biru - he he...kecur liur :)
Kurang lebih lah macam nok dipolah leh mak ktk ya...minak mak isah tambah sayur masin.
Cuba lah!
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