Hi Everyone!
A big apology from Mak isah...as it has been a long time since my last update.
Still...I do hope many of you still come to visit me here, if not to read my latest entry, you still can read some of my old entries.
With that Mak isah sincerely says a thousand thanks :)
I hope all has been well for you as well as your families there...my dear blogger friends!
Mak isah has been to Kuching to visit my mom in law. She is well at her age of 87 and Mak isah and hubby misses her a lot. We always made it a point to visit her at least a couple of time each year.
This recent visit was quite special because visiting Kuching with hubby will also enable him to rest his left knee which has been paining him quite a lot recently. Away from Miri will be leave from work for him. Mak isah only wish his leave was longer than it was.
So let Mak isah share some photos with you? :)
Mak isah MIL who is 87 this year. She is a Chinese converted. So my hubby can speak the Hokkien language very well. Mak isah speaks very little he he...

Mak isah MIL's house in Kuching

Her passion? Flowers... all around her house... When she was stronger she plant them herself, now a gardener comes once a month.

Mak isah SIL, who cooks, look after the house and MIL. She is a very nice person. Mak isah likes her a lot.

Orchids from MIL 'back of the house' garden

This visit to Kuching was even more special because Mak isah has the privilege of meeting one of Mak isah blogger buddy, USRAHFATIHAH and her family. She, her hubby and her 3 pretty little girls came to visit Mak isah.
It was special, even though it was just for about 20 minute and a couple of hours before Mak isah due to go to airport back to Miri.
Thanks Ummu...for your kind gesture. Hope we can meet and spent a longer time next time.
Mak isah MIL is like a mother to Mak isah as now both Mak isah parents are in heaven.
I will always cherish the times I've had with my late mom. And for my MIL and for all those of you mothers out there 'A Very Happy Mother's Day' ( hope it is not too late to wish).
Love you all, Goodnight!
Salam Mak Isah..
Our family are honoured to know both of you nice couple personally...Seem we've known you ages ago... :).. Thanks very much for the precious time...
Keep blogging and crocheting.. I'll be around to read it.. :)
That was certainly a great bonding time with your loving family members.
Assalamualaikum Mak Isah
Patut la lamak sik ada, kamek dah ningas kitak...welcome back to blogging ya...looking forward to your postings.
Moga both of you and your MIL sihat sejahtera hendaknya.
Welcome bak Mak Isah
Very happy to see that you have such great trip.
May everyone in your family be bless with good health and happiness
OK, now that you are back, i am happy hahahahha.
anyway the first picture i looked at your MIL, i had the hunch that she is a Chinese convert,,,,,
next time if i had the chance to meet your hubby , we can tembak Hokkien already lol,,
take care now ya,, and will be back again soon,unless you update ya
MIL Mak Isah ya remind Biru ngan nenek Biru :)
Nenek Biru pun masa dirik nya kuat dolok nang rajin juak ngan bunga :D
Happy Mothers Day juak untuk Mak Isah.. Biggg Hug :)
welcome back..never too late to say, SELAMAT HARI IBU :)
Salam Ummu,
Looking at Mak isah & hubby and you and your family, it make Mak isah thinks what a gap generation we are he he...imagine Mak isah age is almost as your hubby's mom! But...then Mak isah smiles to myself, saying..it is such a wonderful gift, this friendship we have.. :)
Mak isah just wish Mak isah has the honor of meeting you again one day and the honor of meeting Mak isah other blogger friends here.
Thanks dear for your kind words :) and yes of course selagi ada masih tenaga Mak isah will keep on blogging and crocheting he he...
Yee Ling, thank you :) yes certainly there is, tears are in my eyes each time I gave MIL a hug and she keeps saying 'come back again' when we leave for the airport.
'There's no other greatest thing in this world than our own family...'
Wish you & your family a great week!
Walaikumsalam Nur
Ningas, what a nice thing you did he he...thank you dear :)
Makasih atas doa Nur, semoga Nur senantiasa happy dan ceria selalu.
Salam sayang
Small Kuching - Thank you v much for your kind wishes..yes health & happiness, that's top list ingredient in a family.
Here's wishing yours too be blessed with health & happiness dear :)
Eugene, that's great, Mak isah made you happy by coming back ha ha ha
Thanks..that was a great welcome :D
Oh yes you & hubby can tembak both your hokkien he he..
Let you know this :p..when we are in a fish market or buying sayur at the tamu, hubby speaks hokkien to the chinese and they quickly made friends and even can get the price cheaper LOL..
You take care too there ok
Makasih juak Biru...
A big HUG for you!
Thanks love
How are you?
Yes never too late :) THANK YOU!
For 2 whole days Mak isah couldn't enter BLOGGER at all. Now I can but Mak isah is alarmed to see that there are only 5 comments here.
In fact Mak isah has replied all your comments here on the 10th, now they all seemed to disappear !!
So sad :(
I hope they (THE COMMENTS that Mak isah wrote on that day) will reappear...soon,
or else
Mak isah thought of re writing once again.
Salam Ummu..
You're most welcome. Thank you too for giving us the privilege of knowing you, your hubby & your 3 lovely girls :)
Surely, Mak isah will go on blogging & crocheting as long as Mak isah able to.
Have a good week ahead my dear
Yee Ling, thank you :)
Certainly there was, MIL & I..there were tears in our eyes whenever we need to leave as we hug each other.
Wish you & family have a great week.
Nur..Wasalam..ningas..suka ati Mak isah baca word ya..
Makasih dear, for your kind wishes for both Mak isah & MIL
Be safe
Small Kucing - thank you..
May your family too be bless with good health and happiness.
Eugene, ha ha you re happy I am back, that's a great welcome back :D
Hopefully with God's will, if you & hubby meet one day, you both can 'tembak' je your Hokkien language he he..
Have a lovely week with yourself & loving family ya
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