Macam2 cara nak buat 'Sambal Belacan' Mak isah rasa...Yang ini Mak isah buat bila buat entri yang lepas sebab nak makan dengan Kari Kepala Ikan.
Dan Entri ni istimewa untuk blogger friend 'Luciana' because she asked me my 'Sambal Belacan' recipe he he... Thanks for asking my dear :D
Simple je...
1. 15 - 20 Cili Padi
2. 2 Sudu Besar Belacan (Shrimp Paste) * Belacan buat sendiri...hubby yang buat :)
3. Ground well ingredients 1. and 2. in a 'Lesung Batu'.
Lesung Batu

4. Slice 3 'Limau Kasturi' into 4 or more slices and add into the 'Lesung Batu'. Press lightly the juice and mix well.
Limau Kasturi

5. Serve with your other dishes.
P.S. If for 'Ulam' with young mangoes or others, usually I will add in more 'Belacan' and also some 'Ikan Bilis' or 'Pusu' (dry anchovies).
Wash the 'Ikan Bilis' and pound well with the 'Belacan'.
Usually if for 'Ulam' with mangoes, Mak isah will not add too much Cili Padi but more 'Belacan'. Then it will be nicer to eat and not so hot!
Tak baik Mak Isah dera saya camne...sedap nampak.....Just joking la. Tapi memang nampak sedap. Makan dgn nasi and ikan panggang sure best
Thank u so much Puan..i rasa terharu pulak...special for me :D
see la..belacan buatan hubby, mana i nak cari huh, hehehe...
sambal belacan ni mmg macam2 cara, nah begitu tengok Puan punya cara, i rasa mmg ni yg best :)
TQ again, salam buat ur hubby...bila nak buat belacan lagi, ingat2 i ye :D
have a nice weekend...
Biru suka sambal belacan walopun sangat sik tahan ngan pedas nyaaa hehe.. ready jak ngan ketol ais bila dah sik tahan gilak ;D
Small Kucing - he he...ketawa Mak isah baca ni..ishh dera pulak ha ha
Luciana, you are most welcome my dear :)
A'ah betul..belacan buatan sendiri ni..even Mak isah's MIL pun minta kirin belacan hubby kat Kuching sana.
Biru...aukk eh, pedas tapi nyaman kata orang.
Baruk la mak isah tau, biru tok sik tahan pedas he he...
Salam sayang!
Assalamualaikum Mak Isah,
My favourite.. But need to reduce the consumption now sebab tend to berkasik mun makan byk gilak... :)..
But still, mun dah dihidang, annot tahan.. :)
Assalamualaikum Mak ISah,
My feveret... :)Sila makan dengan nasi putih panas sahaja.. Mauk berpinggan juak habis.. :)
Haha.. Mak Isah, I never know that all comments are now published only after approval and thought my earlier comment was just disappeared.. So, now I have more than 1 comment sent.. Maybe you can disapproved the last 2 comments.. :)
Have a nice day.. :)
Salam Ummu,
a'ah lah...mak isah kena taruh moderate comment sebab ada komen yang tak sesuai disini (mungkin Ummu what mak isah meant ye) tapi buat sementara je...Mak isah still prefer comment terus publish.
Harap bersabar la ye... takpe..lebih byk komen dari Ummu lebih gembira rasa he he...
Sambal belacan mak isah punya peberet jugak :p
Salam sayang
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