When come Hari Raya everybody seems busy making biscuits and cakes but I don't. Since I have Aya to bake the cakes and Noormy to make sure there are some biscuits on that day, I am busy sprucing up a little bit of my kitchen area.
I have this rack (picture above) on the wall that my son-in-law made for me. Isn't it cute? I had intended to use it for putting up all my kitchen ingredients like salt, ajinomoto, oil, tamarind paste and tamarind dried fruits and pepper containers in. To buy a kitchen rack would cost a lot of money and this way it will be more convenient for me as I have not much kitchen space.
But the edges of the rack were a little rough (maklum lah buatan sendiri :) so I need a sandpaper to smooth them down.
Rough Edges


After sandpapering the inside, edges and outside area, what I did next was, just stained varnish the surfaces. I bought this small tin of KIMTONE stained varnish to paint it with.
Kimtone Stained Varnish for RM12.00 Only

And of course a stained varnish white brush. I got this cheap for only RM1.00.

I think I spent 2 hours to do all these, then wait for almost 3 hours for the varnish to really harden up before I could put up all my kitchen ingredients.
There! Now I can put up all the ingredients' containers in it.

That was all done yesterday.
Today what I need to do is re paint the outside area another coat of the stained varnish, so that the color will look darker and nicer.
Meanwhile waiting for my rack varnish to harden up, I couldn't waste my time so I also re varnish an old plate rack I have.
hi Puan.. I also wish you have a wonderful Puasa month...
Yes, this is the time to beautify the house, to spring clean and to modify.. hahaha..
Yea, another round of spring clean...while anxiously waiting for the celebration to come. Wishing you Selamat Berpuasa...
Hi Kak Isah, you know what you can do with your rack? Cut some very delicious looking food picture, laminate and glue them on the rack. The bigger the better so ppl actually only see the food picture and your condiment bottles and not the rack and it gives some kind of 'invisible' rack feeling in the kitchen... i do that with my book racks.. i pasted clouds and airplanes.. so my books look kinda flying on airplanes amongst the clouds :D
Nicely done! Sometimes DIY things are more meaningful.
Selamat Berpuasa Kak Isah.
Ha ha ha...modifying is the word. Thank you dear reanaclaire, for the wish.
Thank you Mommy Ling :) I am doing my best trying not to be too anxious yet do one thing at a time he he...
Merryn! oh this is what kak isah waiting for! what a wonderful suggestion! Thank you so much for sharing and you know what, that's what kak isah going to do! paste and glue food picture!
Now you got kak isah so excited, gonna do it tomorrow!
Thanks dear :)
Oohh...thanks mNhL :)
Salam Mak Isah:
You are a genius.. *wink*wink*
Dont forget to share with us after put up all the pictures..
Salam Ramadhan untuk Mak Isah dan keluarga..
Hi K Isah,
klu decorate rack tu lagi cantik, ala tampal2 je. mesti superb kan. boleh suruh anak k isah buatkan kite satu? plz plz plz....
Wah, that is indeed a little rack with two personal touches! selamat berpuasa to you!
Hi Puan, wishing you Selamat Berpuasa..
bole juga ni terima order.. :D
Salam Ramadhan untuk Ummu sekeluarga :)
He he thanks my dear. Ni hah takde keja buat keja ni...harap2 kemas dan senang mata memandang apabila tetamu datang nanti.
Ummu beraya diKuching ke?
Selamat Berpuasa dari mak isah.
Ciklilyputih...ish, bila dah buat sendiri, susah jugak..ni hah k isah cuba cuba buat sendiri, save budget kata kan ha ha...
Sayang ciklily jauh sangat...
Selamat Berpuasa to you and hubby my dear :)
Alice Phua...thankss (blush ++)
& thank you for the wish :)
Mrs Bee...thanks.. he he takde la, jual tak laku ni hah :P
Thank you for the wish my dear
Salam Mak Isah:
My helper is going back to her country for Raya. So our family would be "balik kampung" to my parents house just less than 5 minutes walking-distance from my home. :)..
Which meant all the special dishes would be served at mummy's house as you know well how "good" i am at cooking.
My lucky guests would only able to enjoy the cakes/ sweets/ cookies and air menet.
Salam Ummu...:) aduhai..manja nyer & lucky too! all special dishes dah prepare kat mummy's place he he..
Takpe your lucky guests mkn cakes and cookies with air menet, Syukur Alhamdulillah...
Ni mesti best giler dpt cuti dan berhari raya dirumah mummy!
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