Thank you for all your kind words and advice on me not feeling too good for the last almost one week. And so sorry I missed my blog walking on to all my dearest blog friends' blogs!
I am back of course! :p
Yesterday I was too 'rajin' and cooked 2 main dishes. I almost felt like celebrating my 'overcomed' flu and cough bugs. You see, once I got this cough bug it would take me one or two weeks to get really over it. This time I was lucky I got away with it for only a week.
I cooked 'Sup Tulang' and again my ' Asam Pedas Ikan with Pineapple'.
Sup Tulang

1 kilo ribs bone
1 packet 'Tanghoon' (soaked in water)
3 pieces potatoes (peeled and cubed)
1 bowl of cut red meat
4 garlic
2 inch ginger
Some white pepper
Salt and ajinomoto to taste
Some sliced 'Daun Sup'.
Boil the ribs bones (after washing clean) in a pot of water (amount of water enough to boil and for one family meal).
Boil long enough to soften the meat on the ribs bones.
Add in the bowl of red meat (optional).
Ground the garlic and ginger and add to the soup.
When meat are tender, add in the cubed potatoes and the 'tanghoon'.
Add salt and ajinomoto as well as pepper( I like to add a lot of pepper) to taste.
When potatoes are cooked, the soup is ready to be served hot with rice or on its own.
And when you serve the soup, sprinkle some sliced 'daun sup' over it.
Asam Pedas Ikan with Pineapple

I said 'Asam Pedas Ikan with Pineapple', and I just said 'ikan', it's because this time I do not know the names of the small small fishes that hubby brought home the evening before. They have lots of scales (which took me almost half an hour to clean them). In the end some of the leftovers were fried.
First, to cook the 'Asam Pedas'.
It was the same way that I cooked it with 'Ikan Pari' (Stingray) here.
Nowadays, if I add pineapple slices to my 'Asam Pedas' I will omit adding 'Asam Gelugor' (tamarind fruit slices).
So the 'asam' taste will only comes from the pineapple slices which taste much much nicer.
Try it!
Ground 1 or 2 fresh red chillies,
15 cili padi (small hot chillies),
1 flat tablespoon belacan (shrimp paste),
5 shallots,
4 garlic,
2 inch ginger.
Crush 1 stalk lemon grass
Add a flat teaspoonful of turmeric powder
Saute all the above ingredients in a pot
Add some water (not too much and according to how much soup I want).
When boiled I add in some slices pineapple (Now that I do not use 'asam gelugor' I will use and sliced 1 whole moderately small pineapple)
Let it boil for some time so that the pineapple juice seeped out.
Add in the cut fish.
Add salt and ajinomoto .
Taste and then serve hot.
My son in law came back from offshore and my own son came home to sleep for the weekend, so everybody were in yesterday evening.
When I woke up this morning, I felt pleased to see both of the food I cooked all gone in the pots!
my mum used to cook asam pedas too but she use tadmarind. next time i can tell her to use pineapple. thks for sharing.
Mak Isah..bila dah sihat terus masak macam2..Sedapnya Asam Ikan Pedas tu!
Selamat Berpuasa Mak Isah. Have a blessed Ramadhan!
mNhL, you're most welcome :) Yes usually most people use tamarind or tamarind dried fruits (asam gelugor). My daughter Noormy doesn't like my asam pedas when I used to cook with those. Now she loves it!
Selamat Berpuasa my dear TK... Terima kasih, asam pedas Mak isah tu tidak sepedas asam pedas TK I presumed :) My children tak tahan, even eating mine dah 'ter kesik kesik' kepedasan LOL
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