I bought this SONY digital camera model DSC-W320 at the Sony center at the Imperial Mall yesterday late afternoon.
Hopefully I will use this camera to use to take shots for this blog of mine from now on. So far I have been using my Nokia hp to take pictures.
My Pink Sony Digital DSC-W320 Camera

Let's see if the pictures are clearer this time. I took some pictures of parts and corners of my kitchen which I had cleaned up for my Hari Raya LOL...

These are not wine but 'Wincarnis' (which I do drink for health) and Grape Juices

My Favorite Old Glasses and Plates

Kulit Kayu Manis which I bought in 'Sirikin' Kuching

Herbs and Candle Holders as well as Yellow Pumpkins

I know I will take some time to get used to this new camera. This is because I am not a good photographer at all. I am a bit slow and this is the first time I have such a 'canggih' camera :p
Any good tips from my fellow photographers?

My Pink Sony Digital DSC-W320 Camera

Let's see if the pictures are clearer this time. I took some pictures of parts and corners of my kitchen which I had cleaned up for my Hari Raya LOL...
These are not wine but 'Wincarnis' (which I do drink for health) and Grape Juices
My Favorite Old Glasses and Plates
Kulit Kayu Manis which I bought in 'Sirikin' Kuching
Herbs and Candle Holders as well as Yellow Pumpkins
I know I will take some time to get used to this new camera. This is because I am not a good photographer at all. I am a bit slow and this is the first time I have such a 'canggih' camera :p
Any good tips from my fellow photographers?
Congratulations on the 'arrival' of that pretty pink Sony digital in your family! You won't regret it. Sony is good and reliable. I'm still using my Sony Cybershot that I bought almost 3 years ago. I hope you did buy a second battery, since you'll be shooting a lot of pics this hariraya.
Sure those pictures that you have posted are sharp and clear. Utensils etc baru dicuci, dan kameranya pula baru dibeli!
Have a nice hariraya & maaf zahir batin. Salam bahagia.
nice camera..
more practice make perfect.. ('',)..
Small & compact!! Of course BEAUTIFUL....
Mak Isah semalam I pegi kedai camera tgh survey nak beli camera compact apa. So we decided to buy Sony jugak.
Cantik gambar2 camera baru Mak Isah!!!
Camera pun cantik warna pink tu!!!
wow... cantiknya pink gitu.. hehe.. i mula2 tukar camera baru semangat snap sana sini nak improvekan teknik mengambil gambar hehe..
btw, sama lah kita mak isah, lady pun skrg ni dalam proses bersihkan rumah jugak hehe.. maklum la nak raya kan...
Sony is a nice camera.. i m still using it.. :)
Thank you! Thank you Temuk! Ha ha..you made me laughed, saying all those nice words about my camera and my cleaned utensils. Hah, memang bersemangat isah this coming Raya, semua baru konon! :p
By the way you said and the way all the rest said here, I don't at all regret having this sony camera and sure now I had made a good choice!
Yes I remembered your advice getting a second battery :)
Thank you Temuk.
Selamat hariraya maaf zahir batin to you and family.
Thanks Shuying :) I am learning hard here he he...
Do please give constructive comments on my pictures in future :)
Makasih Dency :) Ya la tok, baru berjinak-jinak dengan camera Sony...I like it too :)
Salam sayang TK
Really? you're buying camera Sony too? Sama la kita :)
So okay la gambar2 camera baru mak isah ni? Tak blur lagi? Senang hati mak isah dengar tu ... :)
Saje nak pilih warna pink, Mak isah should have chose hp warna pink recently tu instead of black jugak :p
Selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin TK :)
Betul kata Lady of Leisure tu, bersemangat! he he... mak isah pun sama, semua nak ambik gambar :p
Have a nice raya lady, selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin.
You too using Sony reanaclaire? wow...thankss :)
wah wah wah~~~ mama isahhhh! its pink!! hehehe.. nice~~~ :)
mama isah.. lama dah tak jenguk2 u kan?? rinduuu~~~ nice camera and surely nice pics dear mama~~ :) good luck~
Cool! just in time for Raya :D Looking forward to more pics in the future :D
Wow...the PINK is pinkylicios...so sweet.LOve it.
Wishing you and family Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!
Hello sweet Mira! A'ah lama mira tak datang jenguk mama isah...bz ye? takpe...jenguk waktu mira have time ok? :) did you go visiting? how r u?
Ahh..that's right, remember mama isah said wanna buy a camera? this is it! mama isah loves this new camera, and hopefully will learn to take nicer pictures with it.
Take care dear, don't work too hard :)
Thank you Merryn, yes cool isn't it? he he...yea been bz taking pictures and with visitors, now curi curi masuk blog ha ha...
Pinklicious LOL..thank you for the wish Mommy Ling :) hope you are busy visiting malay friends too!
Have a wonderful day :)
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