Mak Isah feels this post is a little bit personal than the rest, nevertheless Mak Isah still wants to bear with Mak Isah ok :))
Aya & Noormy took the time to buy a birthday cake for their dad
'Baca doa' & singing a birthday song, wishing a 'Wish' & blowing the candle
Makan Time :)
'Singapore Chicken Rice'
The Chicken that goes with each plate of rice
Thai Sauced Bean Curd
Chicken Nuggets
Seafood Baby Kailan
One for the Album, Zu and Alif
My 4 'Jewels' :)
My Doted Grandson :)
Thank You for Sharing!
Such happy gathering! Happy Birthday to your husband... sure he looks happy..
salam mak isah.. happy birthday to your husband.. moga sentiasa diberkati Allah..
SAlam Mak Isah...
So sweet...
Saya suka tengok keluarga Mak Isah.. Doakan saya pun diberi Allah peluang untuk menikmatinya suatu hari nanti... Melihat anak2 dewasa dan cucu yang comel... And not to forget, a very sporting better half.. :)
Happy Bday to your hubby Puan..all the best !!!
Cake tu mcm sedaaappp je... ;)
Happy B'day to your hubby.
That's a nice family gathering.
Happy birthday to your husband!
Happy family :)
hi mama isah!!
Happy birthday to ur hubby! :) semoga panjang umur ya.. :) May God bless him and his family. Take care mama isah.. am now in labuan nie.. working here a week.. penat..:( be back this friday. :)
reanaclaire, it was :)
Thank you for the bday wish. He wasn't only happy but also laughing shyly ha ha...why? because as soon as he sat (we asked him to come a bit later) we all sang him a birthday song with eyes from the nearby tables looking he he...
Salam Lady :) Thanks dear for the bday wish and doa.
Salam Ummu :) Terima kasih..
Mudah mudahan...mak isah sentiasa doakan Ummu diberkati dan diberi Allah peluang SETIAP HARI untuk menikmati betapa nikmat nya hidup dalam sebuah keluarga yang bahagia, bertolak ansur dan erat diantara satu sama lain...
Sporting? he..he...a'ah..setuju..memang sporting :p
Thank you Luciana :) for the wish.
My 2 girls are chocolate crazy, so they only want to order anything chocolaty he he...that's 'Double chocolate cake with berries'. Those dark round balls are real berries. Everything on top of that cake can be eaten except that red rose ha ha...the cake sedap and chocolaty!
Thank you mNhL :) yes it was a nice family gathering.
Thanks CH !
Hi Mira dear!
Thank you for the wish sweetie :)
In Labuan? Hey you take care too over there ok? Come home safe,
Don't work too hard!
Happy to see your happy family :)
Happy Birthday to your hubby!!
Gambar2 Mak Isah pun cantik2 dgn camera baru!! Really worth buyinglah camera tu!
Thank you for the wish TK :) About the pics you really think so?? Err mak isah baru2 belajar ambil gambar ni...ada tips bagitau mak isah ok?
yea mak isah suka sangat ngan camera mak isah sekarang, v user friendly...
have a nice weekday!
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