Merdeka Mall
As always, when there is a new supermarket opening or a sale in one of the supermarkets, Mirians will come flocking to the place, including me ha ha...
But one thing about me, I can't join the rush in buying things, I prefer to go there and watch people, compare the prices or just take some pictures :p
I will buy when there aren't many people, when I need to or if there are things that I use, cheap.
This picture of a 'Hammer' greeted me at the entrance. This is the 'crazed' car at the moment, or is it?
The first that attracted me as soon as I entered this 'Ta Kiong' Supermarket was this shop full of chocolates! Aahh...if Alif could have seen all these chocolates. He loves chocolates but doesn't take sweets.
One of these days I will come back to scrutinize each of these enormous different spices
And buy these (which I cannot find in other supermarkets) wonderful all types of fresh vegetables packed from Cameron Highlands
and these watering red strawberries!
But not just yet, not while these paying counters are still full and having long queues like this!
I can wait :)
Hammer is my son's favourite car....Mahal tu!!
We are always excited when there is a new supermarket. At a supermarket, I love to be at the food section of course.
Wah ada byk chocolate. Bestnya..I love chocolate so much.
yeah, Like you, Puan, i rather not buy anything first.. i see also scared.. so long queue!!
panjangnya barisan????
Hummer is a beautiful car...Bila PM mau kasi hapuskan APA??? Boleh saya beli kreta mewah...
Faint. Looking at the crowd. Am sure there are some grand opening promo going on.
aie. cool gila. ada "hummer" di sia. cool abisss
Mesti mahal tu TK :) Mak isah jangka sama mahal beli sebuah rumah!
Macam tu la Mak isah jugak, mesti nak gi tengok2 kalau tak beli, rasa excited bukan? :)
Mak isah suka makan 'Snickers' which is my favorite.
Also scared LOL...
True claire, tengok panjang q Mak isah pun tak nak :)
Lagi pun Mak isah nak compare prices dengan Servay supermarket yang dekat rumah Mak isah tu dulu.
Panjang sangat Eeza!:)
btw, tak leh masuk your blog ke..Mak isah cuba nak visit you, mungkin you tak enable your profile kot.
Thank you for the visit here :)
Huh, bena PM mok hapuskan keta Hammer?? Hish sikda pun Mak isah dengar ko Dency...
Tapi keta Hammer tok suit for you to drive in your travels into the interior parts of Borneo :)
mNhL, don't faint ha ha ha...
Many grand opening promotion that was why the long q and big crowd!
Nang mula byk dah Hammer 'Hummer' di Miri tok LOL...
Imagine mek yang drive dalam ya..mesti orang madah Mak isah cool gila ha ha...
j/k :p
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