I have a couple of 'Adidas' bags.
I bought this one about 3 years ago, am still using it today
Aya didn't like the color of this bag but I do, it was because it is almost like dark green color ( I like anything green).
The other thing I like about this bag is inside it there are a lot of compartments and zipped pockets.
I can put my important keys and my ASB (Amanah Saham Bumiputra) bank book in the zipped pockets.
Of course I cannot afford to lose these two important items. What I like about it too, it was because it has a matching purse, with a different price :)

My favorite walking shoes, I bought this pair 3 years ago in KL! And I am still using them LOL...imagine that!

Yeah yeah, I am the sporty type and I like to dress sporty, not err...the feminine lady with some high heels. I do like high heels but I only use them if I really need to...maybe to functions or parties, not that I always go to one :)
I sometimes change to using either with these 2 bags as well. Like above, this dark blue bag on the right is a sling bag while the one on the left isn't.
My favorite walking shoes, I bought this pair 3 years ago in KL! And I am still using them LOL...imagine that!
Yeah yeah, I am the sporty type and I like to dress sporty, not err...the feminine lady with some high heels. I do like high heels but I only use them if I really need to...maybe to functions or parties, not that I always go to one :)
So, if you meet me in town or anywhere, I prefer to use this sort of walking shoes plus socks, jeans and a t shirt :)
I prefer this pair of shoes because they are broader at the front, to accommodate my big toes or broad front feet :p
And beside comfort, the bags and the shoes last longer!
Now can you imagine what Mak isah wearing when she goes out? he he....
Now I can imagine Mak Isah when she goes out :)
Unfortunately, Ionly have one adidas sport shoes yg dah tercabut tapaknya..
reminds me I need a new sport shoes!!
can imagine ha ha...
ntah le TK, nape mak isah suka pakai sport shoes bila jalan2, rasa comfortable sangat!
how r u dear? hope you're doing well there...
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