When I get sick I know I will be sick for at least a week or over a week. So yesterday I quickly went to 'Permaisuri Pharmacy' to buy myself some antibiotics and 'Clarinase' for my bad nose. The 'Clarinase' helps a lot with my flu. Before taking it my nose was simply dripping. So tiresome!
My as for now medications
It was already 430pm when I came out of the pharmacy. I need to drink and eat something before taking the medications and the sooner the better. Luckily Noormy called up asking where I was and when she knew, decided to join me at a shop. I suggested 'Awang Mahyan's Cafe' but then changed my mind. In the end I drove to 'Warung Puteri'(you can view the shop in my previous post).
And as soon as our orders came I immediately ate and shared all these with Noormy.
These came from a stall just next to our table (at the front side of the shop). These are fried chicken wing, fried 'cucur Sayur' and 'pisang goreng'. And still hot too!
Eat them with this sauce. They modified and add some grounded peanuts in it...he he just like the 'Rojak' gravy I am selling :p
The Sauce, very tasty
I ordered fried noodles and drank a glass of hot tea
Noormy ordered fried 'Kueyteow' and she drank 'Teh Special'
Free bowl of hot soup, a so very simple soup but nice feeling as it runs down my coughy throat.
I felt much better after eating. I didn't realized I was that hungry.
I took my medications immediately afterwards.
Three things I must have when I am sick. One is Food. And then followed with plenty of rest and plenty of sleep.
Anyone who is unwell should do those 3 things to get well as quickly as possible.
Get well soon Mak Isah...Hope you won't get sick for a week..that's a long time..
Make sure you have plenty of rest..but I know you will be in the kitchen all the time :)
Lapar tgok all those food cause I haven't had my breakfast..
get well soon Puan Isah, kami semua rindu masakan Puan :D
Tak nak sakit for a week kalau dapat la TK. Ni sedang rajin2 makan ubat ni sambil berehat. Duk baca blog je he he..
Laa..online dulu before bfas? patut la hungry bangat tu he he..
A'ah Mak isah had to be in the kitchen even when not well.
dah habit dah.
aduii ada jugak orang rindu masakan simple mak isah ni...
Thanks dear :)
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