Mind you, just cleaning my special corner and the bedroom took me almost half a day.
I used this vacuum cleaner to help me, the one that I got from hubby on last Mother's Day :)
My Special Corner
As Mak isah blogs mostly during nights or late at nights when everybody are asleep so naturally my notebook and a small table will be near my bed. I like to put some of my personal belongings in boxes so that's why you can see a lot of boxes near my table.
So you can imagine the time I spent opening and closing all those boxes and re arranging them in the small space that I have there.
That 'Panasonic' box is where I keep my vacuum cleaner each time after use and next to it is the paper bag that I got after buying my digital Sony Camera the other day...which I use now to put in my 'Dolphin' massager which is to massage my feet after settling in my room each evenings. Very convenient, all I do is just on the switch and sit on that red stool and massage my two feet while reading my emails etc.
Actually I feel good after doing the cleaning. 'Puas mata memandang dan puas hati lepak-lepak dalam bedroom' LOL...
Err..lepak-lepak means I have my own tv in my bedroom and most of the time watch tv there :)
Sometimes if I am tired and my back ache a little, I used this small folding table to place my notebook on my bed. That way I can lean on my many comforters and pillows while online.
My folding small table. This can be folded and stored in another place...
Folded like this. I got this table for only RM16. Originally it cost RM29. I guess it was the last one so the Mall put it only to RM16 :)
My 2 favorite places in my house is either this or my kitchen.
The first half of the day I spend the time in my kitchen until 1pm or 2pm, and then sell 'Cendol' until 6pm.
Then later retire to my room after dinner from 7pm or 730pm until the next morning.
I believe each and everyone of us have one favorite spot in our house. Where is yours? :)
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