Still talking about Mother's Day? I
But first, let me announce that 'My Mother's Giveaway' contest is now CLOSED.
Be sure to come back tomorrow as I will announced the winner then. Thanks! :)
I had a hectic day on Mother's Day (yesterday). I said 'hectic' because I was going out, driving, in between doing my house chores WITHOUT having my afternoon rest of an hour or two in my air conditioned bedroom :)
But first, let me announce that 'My Mother's Giveaway' contest is now CLOSED.
Be sure to come back tomorrow as I will announced the winner then. Thanks! :)
I had a hectic day on Mother's Day (yesterday). I said 'hectic' because I was going out, driving, in between doing my house chores WITHOUT having my afternoon rest of an hour or two in my air conditioned bedroom :)
If I am using the car, means I need to send Aya to work and then fetch her back from work later in the evening.
Early morning around 8am hubby brought us (myself, Zu and Alif) for breakfast at 'Pakcik Wan Cafe' in Lutong. Hubby didn't like driving so I drove :)
Our Breakfast

We returned home at 930am. I helped Aya cooked and did some housework.
At 1130am I drove and sent Aya to work.
I complained (in a small, soft voice :p ) to hubby that we needed a new vacuum cleaner. He said,'Ok, we go out and look for one'. So... at 4pm we went out again (with me driving the car) to search for one in town.
I laughed and said,'Thank you'.
Happy Mother's Day to you dear Mak Isah. Happy for you dapat cute vacuum cleaner!and your breakfast looks good!
Good morning TK!
Thank you, thank you!
A'ah, dapat vacuum cleaner malam tu jugak mak isah gi vacuum my bedroom. Agak sukar jugak dah brapa bulan takde vacuum cleaner sbb vacuum cleaner mak isah rosak. Alhamdulillah..dapat vacuum cleaner baru he he...
Eh awal TK bangun ni, mesti nak gi keja kan? How was your 'Mother's Day'?
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