Today I cooked 2 bunches of this 'sayur', which hubby has bought on his way back from Niah yesterday. Usually the children like their dad to cook this because he can cook this dish well. Today I said let me give it a try. Lagi pun their dad was busy somewhere with work :)
My homemade 'Sayur Keladi'
What vital ingredient you must have in this dish besides your onions and chillies is you must have some very thinly sliced 'Daun Kunyit' (Turmeric leaves).
Turmeric Leaves (2 stalks)
To Cook :-
1. Ground 2 red chillies, 2 garlic, 3 small shallots & 1 tablespoon belacan (shrimp paste).
2. Break 1 stalk of lemon grass.
3. Saute ingredients 1. & 2. in some oil.
4. When aromatic, add in a glass of water.
5. When boiled, add in 4 - 5 pieces of 'Asam Gelugor' ( dried tamarind fruit).
6. When boiled, add in the boiled sayur keladi in as well as adding more water the same level as the sayur.
7. Let boiled and cooked for 15 minutes under moderate fire.
8. Add in the thinly sliced turmeric leaves.
9. Add salt and ajinomoto to taste.
10. Serve hot with rice.
Best eaten with fried salted fish and 'Sambal Belacan' !
Kak Isah.. ur blog is making me hungry and am missing my mom! It looks so homely and sigh... really am missing my hometown now :D
Cheers :)
Salam MAk Isah..
Sangat suka.. sedapnya... Especially taste daun kunyit tu... lapar lak rasa... :)..
Sangat sedap juga kalau jadi kuah ambuyat/linut... Buat pedas2... Adussyy.... kena cari nih... :)
Balik aku carik batang keladi masak....semua masakan Sarawak! No western....
Salam Mak Isah..
Harap Mak Isah sehat2 selalu.
I mmg suka sayur keladi asam ni. My favourite masakan kampung. Terus lapar ni.. In Tganu masak asam keladi ni, they would put ikan hancur and lada hitam. Sedap jugak tapi kuahnya putih.
He he...Ciann Merryn, tapi..Mak isah glad my blog making you hungry :p
Have a good weekend my dear, and ada masa lapang tak dapat visit tipon2 la selalu pada your mom tu :)
Salam Ummu
Betul tu..kalau tambah lagi cili padi pedas2 makan dengan linut sedappp...
tapi hubby mak isah tak larat terlampau pedas so kena buat moderate je he he...
Kalau kita berdua makan ni..memang nak pedas2 kan? :)
Semua masakan Sarawak! ha ha dency ni buat mak isah gelak la...
Tapi setuju, masakan kita lebih uummpph dari western kan?
Salam TK :)
Itu baru bagi mak isah..taruh ikan hancur dan lada hitam. Seronok tahu ada cara lain masak keladi ni.
iye..mak isah suka la kalau keladi ni di masak masam2 sikit.
Take care dear
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