If you do...write and comment ok, and join in the fun!
If you get it right, the FIRST one to get it right, you'll get a belated angpow giveaway!!
This giveaway is open to all Malaysians :)
p/s. Mak isah will be away to KK and will come back Thursday (3 Mar) . Will come back here then. I promise :)
Mak isah.
opening the car boot ?
haha....just a simply guess.
Happy holidays.
closing the car boot ,,,,,,
i bet i am right, kak enjoy your holiday ya
I think Eugene is correct too! U must be closing the car boot.. smiling too :P
Puan opening car boot to put her luggage? :)
oh gosh.. ramai teka the same thing! hahaha....
hehe ramai dah teka, macam betul je hehe.. :)
takde, takde..
mak isah saje2 angkat tangan tu, hehhehe...
Hi Isah
You were jogging!
Selamat balik dari cuti.
Hehehe....I have a few possible answers:
1. Cheering
2. Holding the car boot up.
But one thing is for sure and obvious here....you are smiling from ear to ear!
Thank you for the wish everyone & thank you for participating!
Have just announced the winner in my entry :)
Have a wonderful lovely weekend with family & your loved ones!
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