This morning I didn't feel like eating fish or chicken or meat, so I biked (my Honda Motorbike) to our small Tamu to buy something to cook for today. My eyes caught sight of these...
Umbut Kelapa Sawit
So...apa lagi beli, balik rumah dan masak ' Lemak Umbut Kelapa Sawit' !
Lemak Umbut Kelapa Sawit
To Cook.... senang je... !
1. Slice the 'umbut' (umbut means the soft part) thinly, wash and drip dry them in a sieve.
2. Ground 1 big red chilli, 2 garlic, 2 shallots and half a tablespoon of belacan (shrimp paste).
3. Add in half a teaspoon of turmeric powder into no.2 and break 1 stalk of lemon grass.
4. Saute ingredients no.2 and no.3 in a little oil in a pot.
5. When aromatic, add in a glass of water and let boil for 2 minutes.
6. Add in the sliced umbut.
7. Pour some water same level as the umbut in the pot.
8. Mix 1 packet of 'Cocolin' powdered coconut with a glass of water.
9. Add into the umbut in the pot as well.
10. Let boiled and let the umbut cooked.
11. Add salt and ajinomoto to taste.
12. Serve with hot rice and some fried salted fish!
P/s. Umbut kelapa Sawit ni sangat lemak dan manis rasa nya.
Mak isah talked about 'Cendawan Kelapa Sawit' in my last post right?
Yesterday evening hubby brought home again some more of the 'Cendawan Kelapa Sawit' but of different shapes and they looked like this....
Ever seen or eat these too? :)
So yesterday evening as soon as hubby brought them, Mak isah immediately cooked them for dinner he he...
Ala..cook the same way like the 'Cendawan Kelapa Sawit' ok? Mak isah only add some more cili padi hijau (yang merah tak de stock) and,
Eat while still hot!
Mak isah wishes all my Chinese friends 'Happy Chap Goh Mei' !
Mak isah.
wahhh.. masak lemak umbut sawit my peberet!! :D
duh! duh! alu berkerok munyi perut tok hehe..
yahhh.. kulat sawit nok jenis kecik tok la paling best masak tumis-kicap-manyak-manyak hehe.. lamak naaa juak dah kmk sefamily sik makan kulat sawit tok ko.. since ayah kmk retire nang jarang na dah makan.. dolok, harum-bulak hari2 makan.. emak kmk main kutip jak dlm blok sawit :)
selamat menjamu selera Mak Isah ;)
hello Puan.. i never taken lemak sawit before.. wonder how it taste like.. hmmmm.....
I tak penah makan umbut kelapa sawit lagi..the cendawan sure looks yummylicious.
The umbut kelapa sawit looks like bamboo shoot slices after coooked. I wonder whether it tastes like bamboo shoots also? The cendawan looks like straw mushroom. Wah, I have never seen markets or hypermarkets selling fresh straw mushroom before, only seen those canned type only.
Hello Biru..tauu..masak lemak umbut sawit your peberet he he...
Best nyerr kutip jak kulat-kulat ya..tok mesti ayah ktk dolok keja di ladang kelapa sawit :)
so kinek tok nak makan terpaksa meli la he he..
Makasih..mak isah dah kenyang!
Salam sayang & hepi weekend to you
Claire, almost same like you cook Masak Lemak Bamboo Shoots, but these umbut taste more lemak and sweeter.
Tempat TK ada jual umbut ni ke? Kalau ada, cuba la..jangan tak merasa he he...bole tahan sedap nya TK. Mak isah suka lebih2 lagi kalau ada sambal belacan :)
Cendawan tu very fresh, Mak isah suka.
Hepi weekend!
Hello dear Alice! Lama mak isah belum sempat jalan2 ke blog Alice.
Aha almost the same taste, but these umbut are sweeter so you can imagine how the soup lemak taste like.
Yes, you can't find these cendawan sold anywhere in the supermarkats, not even here in Miri.
Happy weekend to you and family!
i havent never try this food before.
it is new to me :).
If put more chili in the dishes, it taste good? i like spicy spicy dishes to eat :)
CH, ha ha for a Non-Malay mak isah surprise you like spicy spicy food :p
That is good! Mak isah suka :)
Yes, for both dishes you can add more cili padi to make it taste hot!
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