Today Mak Isah feels like going out to eat...
Been meaning to eat 'Lazagna' at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf at Bintang Mega Mall for the last 2 days, finally I made it today he he...
I ordered my favorite drink 'Iced Blended Double Chocolate', size small would be enough, mind the calories and yet today I don't want to mind :)
Iced Blended Double Chocolate
Saturdays & Sundays I am free from looking after my grandson Alif so today after breakfast at home and cooking lunch for the family, I went out at 2pm.
Today for lunch Mak isah cooked 'Fried Ikan Pasong', 'Fried Tempe', 'Fried Eggs with Baked Beans' & my son's favorite ' Kerabu Sayur Masin'. That would be enough for me to leave them eh? Just kidding :p
Before heading for town I sent Noormy (my youngest daughter) to the resort as she is working on PM shift.
Afterwards, I stopped first at my usual 'Car Wash' shop to let them snow wash my Elite Viva. Forty five minutes later I head to Bintang Mega Mall. I drove to 3rd floor to get a good parking space then down the escalator to 'Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf' at the ground floor.
I like passing my own 'alone' time at this place. It's been quite a while I had not come here so definitely I wanted it today :) They have a comfortable sofa to sit and some plug points for us to connect our laptops to go online.
See what I mean? This is where Mak isah sitting right now...Lasagna pun dah habis he he...
I was here since 4pm. Now it's almost 630pm. Dah abis buat one entry ni... :)
And at the same time did chat for 10 minutes with Noormy on Facebook earlier on her Resort's laptop.
My son will be coming home for the weekend (he lives out) at around 730pm later. He knows I am here and Noormy told me to enjoy myself chilling out and come back as late as possible. Hish she loves seeing me relaxed ha ha...
Anyway, I think I give myself another half an hour before I am out of here.
Have a great weekend everyone!
wahhh.. best nya rehat-rehat Mak Isah hari tok :D
Lasagna CB&TL memang sedap! teringat la kmk masa puasa tahun lepas.. pandei ingin nak bukak posa ngan Lasagna ya lah hehe..
take care Mak Isah :)
Happy weekend to u.. Puan!
C ne tok??
Mama Isah,
seronok kan spend time alone tanpa gangguan anak2 sambil menikmati fabulous food, ermm sungguh jeles tau..
have a great weekend
Auk Biru... best rehat cam ya..sekali sekala bah, dah penat mak isah masak2 di umah, gi jak sia drive then sit online & makan he he..
a'ah bole tahan lazagna cdak sia..
You take care too & have a lovely weekend!
Thanks Claire!
Same to you & family :)
Dency, tok di Coffee Bean & Tea leaf Cafe at Bintang Mega Mall Miri, dolok org called it Bintang Plaza.
Ever been here? It opened a couple of years ago and since then, I noticed there's always been people going to this cafe. Myself including :p
Happy weekend!
Ciklily...he he..betul tu..sekali sekala mama isah suka drive dan jalan-jalan sorang2 macam ni.
Seronok sebab dah biasa. Lagi pun mama isah rasa kalo jalan2 atau duk sorang2 banyak ilham menjelma
Chewahh.. :p
You have a great weekend with your loved ones as well ya? :) has been sometime i ve not been to Coffee Bean. Indeed now more to Starbucks.
Happy Valentine's day to u, Puan Isah.
Mommy Ling :)
I used to frequent Starbucks too but lately been trying to off too much coffee so I tend to be more with CB&TL he he...
Over here, Starbucks is just on the other side of where I was that day.
I hope you have a heartfull of valentine!
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