Inside I am frightened but tried to keep a brave face. This sort of thing never happened before. He was such a healthy and strong man. Even when he had some pain here and there before he recovered after a good massage or a rub with some ointment. This time no. He refused stubbornly to let me bring him to the hospital or a doctor, saying this was an old injury he had while he played rugby 20 or 25 years ago.
So it was such a consolation when he said he is off today from his day work as a lorry driver. Remember I said he was a workaholic, he has 2 jobs since he retired, as a Night Supervisor at a Shell Station and as a Lorry Driver sending halal chickens to restaurants and schools in the rural areas like Niah and Bakong.
So today, besides baby sitting Alif while in our room I accompanied hubby while he lie and rest in bed.
While he was sleeping Mak isah sent him breakfast. I know he must be hungry, woke him up gently and asked him to eat the food and hot tea.
This picture here...Mak isah took it before Mak isah woke him up. I know if I take it when he wakes up he will never let me he he... (that's why the picture isn't as good as I want it to be).
Roti Canai with Curry, Nasi Goreng with fried Ikan Bilis, Hot Tea.
Mak isah pray my 'sweetie' will get better quickly.
Puan, is it gout at his knees? it is very painful one.. my husband used to have gout.. uric acid high..
Salam Mak Isah,
Semoga Allah sembuhkan ya, Insya'Allah...
What Claire said it's true. Might be gout. It's better to go and check. At least hati lega sikit.
my hubby also complaint kaki sakit ni, jom kita pergi doc..
Hope that your hubby has a speedy recovery from his knee pain, Mak Isah. I think best to bring him to consult doctor then eat some nutrients to strenghten his knee cap. Could check up those nutrition stuff at pharmacy.
Semoga hubby Mak Isah cepat2 sembuh hendaknya.
No, it isn't Claire...years ago he was bashed by a football from behind and dislocated his left knee. It's been troubling him on and off but this time it was bad.
Salam Ummu, makasih...alhamdulillah, hubby dah keja siang hari ni. Masih ngilu sikit2 tapi dah okay kata nya. Mak isah tahu dia kurang rehat 2 to 3 weeks ago.
Small Kucing, I know but hubby Mak isah very stubborn. Today can walk without his tongkat already.
Thanks dear
Luciana, Mak isah thinks men are more frightened than us women bila pegi doc he he...
Shenny's Mommy - Thank you dear. Hubby dah okay today. Yes it is his knee cap, badly injured years ago plus now we are old, cartilage in between the knee caps pun dah kurang kan.
Walaikumsalan w.b.t. Terima kasih atas doa Nur tu. Alhamdulillah dah beransur baik dia tu. Senang hati Mak isah :)
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