I am feeling pretty exhausted but could not sleep so I turned to my blog.
As I have said earlier on my picture of 'Potato Soup and Glass Noodles & Eggs' (my last entry) keeps disappearing off which I don't know why. I have uploaded it again and let's hope this time it stays (cross fingers).
By the way, Mak isah wants to share some thing with you all.
Mak isah have started to crochet again! And have just created another blog for it.
Earlier on Mak isah want to blog about it here tapi...tak kan la nak campur masakan dan crochet kan?
So now Mak isah have 2 blogs, hopefully I have the energy to keep update but definitely BLINDPERFECT will be my primary blog.
So please do support & leave your love :)
Mak isah.
Wah Mak Isah..cant wait to see your new blog. Rajin betul Mak Isah ni..
Have a wonderful week ahead Mak Isah..
2 blogs. hebatlah mak isah. i sendiri pun satu blog ni pun update slow2 inikan nak ada 2 blogs. ishkk tak sabo nak lepak kat blog baru lah
AsSalam Mak Isah.. teruskan berblog kerana sharing is caring kan.. dan walaupun saya tak pandai masak, saya suka tgk entry2 masakan especially gambar2 yg menyebabkan saya cepat lapar.. hehehe..
I memang tahu crochet tu memang menghabiskan masa dan energy, walau bagaimana, kalau ada passion, all shall be worthy..
good mornig puan
Wow...that's a good news! All the best.
wah, bagus Mak...jangan tersilap post ye, food tertukar crochet LOL
have a nice day Puan :)
Salam Mak Isah..
This is a very good news to me...
Saya dah jenguk blog Mak Isah and proud to announce that i am the first follower there...:)
Cant wait to read everything about your creative stuff there...
waiting to see your creations :D
Hish TK, jangan la excited sangat, buat Mak isah embarassed pulak. Bukan apa...Mak isah nak separate activity memasak dan crochet itu je..takde kelebihan pada blog kedua tu, biasa je.
Lagi pun, pada masa ni, Picasa album Mak isah tak leh upload gambar2 terus ke blog. Ada masalah sikit.
Thank you for the wish dear. You too.
CikLilyPutih - Takde la lily, mana ada hebat nye, seperti dah gitau kat TK tadi, Mak isah nak separate pattern crochet dengan masakan harian Mak isah, itu je.
Waalaikumsalam w.b.t. Terima kasih dengan kata2 motivasi wa tu, penuh sokongan dan amat mengembira Mak isah membaca nya.
He he..takpe tak pandai masak, nanti Mak isah masak kan untuk wa :)
Thank you. You're most welcome here.
Good evening eugene, That is true. It needs a lot of patience and Mak isah thinks not many young women like to crochet nowadays. Many european women still does it a lot I noticed, and Mak isah sometimes really envy their good wonderful work.
Have a good week at work and with family :)
Yee Ling, Thankss.. Mak isah just sharing my ordinary work. But it is nice to see them in writing plus reading wonderful comments from you all.
Thanks again my dear :)
Luciana, LOL...awak buat Mak isah gelak lagi. He he..cooking bertukar jadi crochet, itu la byk gilak blog tok.
Tapi mak isah a bit sad la..macam something wrong with my PICASA, tak leh upload gambar.
Hish tak bole sad, mesti hepi!
You too my dear, have a nice day
Ummu dear, Salam...Sepatut nya mak isah berterima kasih pada Ummu. Sebab mak isah kagum dengan kerjatangan Ummu.
Mak isah takde la creative, sekadar nak mengait je. Takde la nak buat patung2 macam Ummu tu, nak buat alas meja je sambil menghabis kan masa dengan Alif :)
Wah, dah jadi follower mak isah...thank you! thank you! my dear :)
Small Kucing - Not creations la..just crochet untuk menghabiskan masa Mak isah.
Hish, you all sounds excited, make mak isah excited too. Takut pun ada he he...
Thanks dear :)
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