But geram la tengok these Mackerel that my SIL caught offshore. See?

I have talked in a previous post about making this 'Umai' here but with 'Asam Paya' (Asam Rumbia).
This time I used a lot of limes and vinegar instead.
About 30 t0 35 limes

And these...Except for the cili padi (which you can either ground or sliced) , slice the ginger and onions into small thin slices.

Preparation for 'Umai' you can read it here. :)
My ready made 'Umai Ikan Tenggiri'

A'ahh...for 2 hours I made this 'Umai' preparation, right from I started slicing the Mackerel flesh into tiny slices to the tasting whether 'cukup masam, masin dan pedas nya' :p
But I got that ready for lunch before going voting.
When I came home after the vote, I cooked this...
Ikan Tenggiri Masak Kicap

Luckily my eldest daughter Zu had fried some Ikan Tenggiri, so all I need to prepare was the sauce.
To Prepare the Ketchup Sauce :-
1. Saute 1 large onion, 1 garlic, 1 inch ginger and 1 fresh red chilli (all sliced) in a pan.
2. When aromatic, pour 1 cup of water and add 1/2 cup of Dark Soy Sauce (kicap) in.
3. Let boiled for 2 minutes.
4. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar, salt to taste.
5. Pour sauce over the arranged fried cut fish.
Menu was a 'fishy' menu he he....
my hubi loves this
Small Kucing - you mean Umai? wow. this is a traditional dish of the 'Melanau' people in Sarawak, eaten raw like sushi :)
A very nice day to you
Ikan tenggiri peberet fish kmk hehe.. polah umai sedap! masak kicap ya lagik la yummy ;D
take care Mak Isah :)
Terompah biru - tapi ikan tok mahal la mun jual dipasar, ya la mak isah nunggu SIL catch baruk makan he he...
Biru pa kabar?
Nang ktk orang muda2 suka makan masakan kicap, tok macam anak2 mak isah, asal ada kicap semua okay :)
Salam sayang
sama resepi masak kicap kita tok. my kids love them too, and kmk selalu makei ikan bawal hitam... yummy
Tia, auk nang simple bena resipi masak kicap kita tok kan? tapi laku he he..
Auk ikan bawal pun sedap!
Tambah gik ngan ikan masin long dan sambal belacan, nang yummy!
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