I am sure many of you know this recipe. I cooked it this afternoon.
Masa Mak Isah baru kawin dulu2, ini la resipi pertama Mak Isah cooked for hubby. Waktu tu mana la tau reti nak masak kan, hingga hubby mungkin naik bosan makan LOL...(tak de la dia gitau apa-apa) :p
But until today this remains something that I like to cook, especially on a rainy day or a lazy day. Today it is sunny so I must be lazy.
In fact I woke up late and went down stair to the kitchen late too. Woke up at 800am, spent an hour online and when I went down to the kitchen at 900am it's too late to soak anything from the freezer into the basin. I wasn't in the mood to eat chicken(in my fridge) today so decided to cook something simple. So off I went to the Servay Hypermarket near my house.
I bought a small packet of glass noodles (tang hoon), some potatoes and a small tray of eggs.
Reached home at 10am and had breakfast with Zu and only cooked at 1115am.
To prepare :-
1. Peel off skin of 5 - 6 moderate sized potatoes, cut into small cubes and washed clean.
2. Soak the glass noodle in water.
3. Break 2 eggs into a bowl.
To Cook :-
1. Saute 4 garlic, 5 small shallots and 4 red cili padi (all grounded).
2. Add half a teaspoon of belacan (shrimp paste) - optional.
3. When aromatic, add a cup of water and let boil for 2 minutes.
4. Add in the washed potatoes.
5. Add water same level as your potatoes or according to how much soup you want.
6. Let boiled until potatoes are soft.
7. Add in the eggs and glass noodles.
8. Add salt to taste.
With this hot soup Mak Isah also fried some 'Ikan Bilis' (Ikan Pusuk) to eat it with hot rice.
Enjoy :)
P/S. CAN SOMEONE HELP MAK ISAH? Have upload this picture several times (it's what Mak isah always does, FROM MY PICASA TO BLOG, don't how this time the picture keeps disappearing after published.
So this time have uploaded direct from blog as 'UPLOAD IMAGE' , hope it stays this time.
SORRY GUYS, even Temuk asked where's the picture :(
Will come online later tonight as now need to go to EMART SUPERMARKET.
Mak isah.
dah siap ni masakan hari ini :)
adoi jadi ingat masa dulu2 ya mak,
Have a nice weekend..
fast and easy :D
Hi Isah
That soupy dish is certainly very refreshing. Kalau dikirakan, itu saja pun sudah cukup untuk lunch. No pictures? Have a nice day.
Luciana - he he he
You too Claire...Thank you :)
Small Kuching - Yes, that's right
Hope your weekend is good :)
Salam Temuk, thank you for the visit. That's correct, itu saja dah cukup. Tabiat isah, Taruh sikit nasi kedalam semangkuk sup ni, siap makan!
You noticed my picture missing? Dah berapa kali upload dari Picasa bila dah published tak keluar, hope this time it stays...
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