Anyway, my maid said her bamboo tree doesn't give so much bamboo shoots like before that was why she gave me only one piece.
One Bamboo Shoot
I think I have blogged about this Rebung once here, but that was cooked as soup and the other with coconut milk.
This time I cooked it without too much gravy. Cooked it a bit dry and hot.
Sayur Rebung Pedas
To Prepare :-
1. Slice the bamboo shoot thinly.
2. Boil them in a pot of water.
3. After boiled and soft, pour into a sieve and let dry aside.
To Cook :-
1. Saute grounded small shallots (3 - 4 pieces), 3 garlic and 1 teaspoon of belacan (shrimp paste).
2. Add in grounded 2 big red chillies + grounded 4 chili padi.
3. Add in some roughly grounded dried prawns (optional).
4. When aromatic, add in the sliced bamboo shoots.
5. Stir well then add salt to taste.
p/s. Without adding water, there will be some water from the bamboo shoots itself.
Mak isah don't add dried prawns because my son has starting to be allergic to prawns and
if you cooked without adding prawns the bamboo shoots last longer (tak cepat basi).
Next I cooked 'Sayur Kacang Panjang'
My Sayur Kacang Panjang
There are many ways how one can cut this vegetable. Sometime Mak Isah cut it slanting but most of the time I cut it this way, into small small strips like this. Why, because any leftovers Mak Isah will eat it with some white bread for snacks or for breakfast.
To Cook:-
1. Saute grounded of 2 garlic, 3 small shallots and 1 red chilli.
2. Add in a pinch of belacan (shrimp paste).
3. Stir until aromatic.
4. Add in the cleaned cut Kacang Panjang.
5. Stir well for 3 - 4 minutes.
6. Add salt to taste.
Puan, the bamboo shoot has a very strong smell, right? but after cooking it, they tasted very nice..
That's right Claire, that's why after cutting the shoots, boil them first in a pot of water. When they are q soft, throw away the water, rinse under running tap water and drip dry before cooking.
That will solve the problem :)
I like the kacang pangjang but cant stand the smell of the rebung.
Assalamualaikum ...
I love rebung too but my mum advised me not to eat that selalu, tajam wonder la kamek sik pernah nanga mak kamek meli rebung...mun nak makan pun bila ada majlis di luar, kadang2 ada urg molah sayur rebung masak lemak or acar rebung, time ya jak lah nak makan...
kamek dah dpt supply cencaluk from my friend in Miri, adohh, dah tiap2 malam kamek dinner dgn caluk..nang heaven la ....
I love this bamboo shoot,but we don't really fry it, instead we make soup out of it.. but i think i like the one cooked with chili, anything with chillies, cant go wrong with me..
Have a great day Puan.........
rebung goreng belacan sedap sangat.... ya jak pakei lauk dah cukup for me!
I love bamboo shoot. It has been ages since I last had it.Kat Tganu tak pernah jumpa lagi!
Ohhhh....I love to eat rebung, but too bad my hubby doesn't know how to appreciate it, so I can't cook it as a main meal dish. Thanks for sharing this rebung recipe, looks simple and not too much preparation.
wuuuaahhh, bungkus mak !!!
Small Kuching - I agree :) Rebung has it's typical smell. Even my youngest daughter Noormy don't touch it he he...but cooked like this the rest of Mak isah family likes it.
So I let her eat the Kacang Panjang and a fried egg :)
Walaikumsalam w.b.t. Nur, Mak isah kata tu sejuk bila makan rebung, pantang org dlam confinement makan benda tok kan.
A'ah time pengilan la banyak org molah sayur tok especially masak lemak.
Wah dah dapat cencaluk Miri? Imagine mak isah makan cencaluk ngan rebung lol..ish mesti mak nur sik suruh tok :p (guro jak)
Thank you eugene :) yes same here, anything with chillies Mak isah like too!
Read your blog couple of minutes ago, you have a good break okay, and
God Bless.
Duhhh...Tia, ya lah best, polah pedas pedas apa lagi :p
TK - Wah tak de? Mungkin kat Miri boleh tahan banyak nye sebab masih byk hutan dan pokok2 sekeliling.
Buluh2 untuk buat lemang pun orang gi carik dalam hutan ni.
You're v much welcome Alice :) Kalau nak makan maybe you'll just buy it once in a while he he..
Have a nice day my dear :)
Luciana, he he nakal! jom makan ngan mak isah he he..
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