This was why...
Last day in KK, my two girls who were with me got food poisoning!
The thing was, I was OKAY. And thank God for that, because if I was also having stomach cramps & nausea, who'd be there to go to the Pharmacy's shop to buy their medications & pain relief?
Half of that afternoon was spent down stair in the hotel lounge with them almost sprawled on the sofa seats holding their stomachs when the cramps came and went. Or going to the lounge toilet to relief themselves. Myself was busy going out to the nearest Pharmacy shop buying medications and mineral water.
Why we were at the lounge was because we had to check out by 3pm (actually should be by 1pm) and our Air Asia flight was at 930pm that evening. To stay back in the hotel would only caused us to be charged another half day rate of the room. Noormy wanted to, said she didn't mind to pay extra but Mak isah wouldn't hear of it!
I told her no use staying in the room holding the pain, might as well we spent her money buying the medications or see a doctor. That was how I coaxed them to sit at the lounge while I looked for medications he he...
Mak isah was worried even though I was trying to keep calm. I told myself if the situation didn't improve I will have to look for a doctor.
By the time our taxi came at 7pm both of them were a bit better and weren't looking that pale anymore.
Hish sempat Mak isah took this picture of them :)

At the airport , at the departure lounge.
At least they could sit up an hour later
Reaching home in Miri they still have slight stomach cramps even through the night. Next day Noormy had to work. And both were on a 'Bubor' diet.
I let out a sigh of relief when they got better and it was great to be HOME !
Ever happened to you while you were on holidays too?
Have a Great Sunday everyone!
Must be a tiring and hectic trip.. really distressing when our kids come up sick during a holiday trip, kan? Thank goodness, I was the one who got sick when I was going to come back from Korea and not the kids... :)
kesian anak2 puan isah tu
hi...coming here from Eugene's blog
Hope everyone is okay now
Glad that after the medications, they are better. Really stressful when fall sick during travelling.
mcmney boleh food poisoning indah.. sib bait semuanya dah ok.. :) poisoning...scared me!!!
hopefully semua dah sihat, take care all...
Puan Isah thanks for being my follower too! Wish u have a pleasant day!
Tiring yes but not hectic Claire...It was just that last day it happened all of a sudden. Early that morning we were cheerfully eating breakfast at our hotel. Then decided to go out afterwards at 11am. It happened while we were walking.
Yea, it was distressing. Must be careful with what we eat yea?
Itu la Rosa...kecewa rasa sampai gitu jadi nya...
Oh dear, hopefully by now everything is doing fine. Take care.
Small Kuching - Thanks for passing by, you're always welcome here :)
So glad to make your acquaintance.
Yes both girls are much better now. Thank you.
mNhL - yea, stressfull & this was the first time after so many trips to KK.
Thanks :)
Wa, entah la camney jadi kedak ya..tetiba jak, sik tauk gik apa nok dimakan sampei food poisoning cam ya.
Auk, tengkiu, dah mula beransur bait.
Lucianan, memang takut kenak food poisoning ni..especially stomach cramps tu.
Thanks dear, they are getting v much better now.
Angeline, you're welcome, my pleasure.
Have a pleasant evening!
Yee Ling - thank you. By now I still had to cook simple soup for my younger daughter, she still got that phobia of stomach cramps she said. Scary!
You have a lovely evening :)
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