Late this evening hubby came home bringing 2 big black plastic bags of these 'Bubok' or 'Udang Geragau'. It was already almost 7pm. On the spur of moment, I took a bowl of it, washed them and let dry in a sieve. I told hubby before we take dinner I am going to fry the 'Bubok' with some sliced onions & sliced chillies.
By the way, it is now 'Bubok' season in Miri. If you go by the seaside, there would be people catching 'Bubok'. Maybe you will get it cheaper if you buy direct from these people. But if you go to the fish market, the fish mongers will sell these at RM7 - RM8 per kg. Hubby got these a little cheaper, only RM5 per kg.
Fresh Bubok or Udang Geragau
Fried Bubok with some chillies and onions
To Cook :-
1. Saute half of one big onion & one chilli ( both sliced).
2. When onion are cooked, add in the cleaned Bubok.
3. Stir, add salt and ajinomoto to taste.
4. Stir well until cooked.
To Eat :-
1. With a spoon, take some of the cooked 'Bubok' in your plate.
2. Squeeze some lime juice over it.
3. If you want it real hot (pedas) break a cili padi over it.
4. Eat with hot rice.
Lime and Cili Padi
p/s. Hubby made some 'Cencaluk' and the rest of the Udang Geragau into 'Belacan' (Shrimp Paste).
Wah, fresh udang geragau, very hard to get in West Malaysia nowadays. Used to fry them in flour batter when I was a kid....nice!
yah.. musim bubok dah tiba :)
padan la waktu ke pantei last 2 week nangga langit kuninggg jak hehe.. kata urang.. ya tanda2 musim bubok akan @ tengah mengganas hihi..
emak kmk dah minggu lepas berdango ngan dak bubok tok Mak Isah hehe.. beli nya 5kg pakei molah belacan.. then, beli agik 2kg pakei molah caluk ngan bubuk kering..
peberet kmk la cucur bubuk :) kunyap~ kunyap~ sik sedar berapa bijik dah dimakan ;P
Assalamualaikum ...aduhhhh!!!..really miss eating fresh bubok, I love this fresh ones, polah camtok...I used to follow my father bila nya makak bubok dolok2...the best harvest he had was bringing home 5 gunnies of them....
tapi yg sik tahan ya bila mak nyuruh kamek milih semuan, sampai lukak2 n kembang jari2 tangan kamek but it was worth it esp bila dpt makan bubok fresh, polah cucur etc...kadang2 bila mak molah cencaluk, lom sempat gik cencaluk ya "masak" kamek dah makan..those were d days indeed...
nice blog!
baru tertemu lalu follow. bubok ya mun dipolah cucor nyaman eh....kan?
I never know this lil small udang is call bubok! But it reminds me of cincaluk!
Yes Pete,these are fresh udang geragau, now it's season in my hometown :) Oh yes, it's nicer if made into 'cucur bubok' that's fried with flour batter then eat hot hot!
Thanks for stopping by, you're always welcome here. Drop by anytime you like.
Will be going to your blog after this.
Biru..musim bubok tok kan, toleh kiri, toleh kanan semua org gago pasal bubok, tambah gik ngan bau nya... he he...
Rajin mak ktk. Rumah mak isah, hubby nok rajin molah, mak isah tukang cuci jak :p
Auk ah, cucur bubok ya...dimakan panas2 nang sedap gilak!
W'salam Nur, dolok2 nang banyak bubok ah..masa tok sik brapa gilak...nya ada lah, tapi jarang la dapat embak pulang berguni-guni lagik. Pandei juak ktk makan cam mak isah polah tok o..Ingat mak isah jak tek he he..
Auk ah, cencaluk cecah gik ngan timun nang sedap lalu.. :)
Thanks Big Momma, and thanks for passing by here. Has been to your blog and following you too. You have a great blog.
You're are always welcome here, do drop by anytime :)
Auk, bubok ya di buat cucur makan panas2, aduiii sedap!
Puan Isah, thanks for dropping by my blog too. Added your link to my blogroll.
Angeline, yes Cencaluk is made of fresh bubok like in the picture.
I prefer to make and eat my own cencaluk :)
That's great! Thank you Pete :) Surely will be visiting you often, you have many blogs, all that interest me.
Great Bubok recipe and you have a great blog.
Pak Udah Dilah - Thank you Pak Udak Dilah for dropping by my humble blog.
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