Pagi tadi Mak Isah pegi breakfast dengan Noormy (my youngest daughter) . Sempat beli satu ikat of Sayur Cangkuk Manis(Cekur Manis atau Sayur Manis) ni, RM1 je...
Yesterday evening hubby bought 2 small pieces of already cut yellow pumpkin. So, I cooked 'Sayur Cangkuk Manis' with the yellow pumpkin.
There is no need to add coconut milk, just make it not too soupy (not too much water added). It's nice too :)
Tumis Cangkuk Manis dan Labu Kuning
To Prepare :-
1. Take the Cangkuk Manis leaves off their branches, put them in a small basin and soaked in water.
2. Before putting in a sieve to dry, squeeze the Cangkuk Manis with your hands to break the leaves. This enable to let some juice from the leaves to come out and thus taste nicer after they are cooked.
3. Put the sieve of Cangkuk Manis under running water then let aside to drip dry.
4. Skin the yellow pumpkin , cut into small cubes. Washed.
To Cook :-
1. Saute grounded of 2 garlics, 3 small shallots, 4 fresh red chillies and half a tablespoon of belacan (shrimp paste).
2. When aromatic, add a cup of water. Let boiled for 2 minutes.
3. Add in the Cangkuk Manis and the yellow pumpkin.
4. Add another cup of water. Let the yellow pumpkin become cooked and soft.
5. Add salt to taste.
Eat the dish hot with white rice :)
Do you like prawns?
Give them to me anytime all know the task of taking off their skins ha ha...
Hubby bought 2 kilos (only RM4 per kilo) of small prawns yesterday evening too. It's 'bubok' season, so there will be plenty of prawns too. What I did was, I divided them into small plastic clear bags (1 small bag means for one meal) then just put them in my freezer, skin and all!
When I want to cook them I just take one plastic bag and soak in a basin of water an hour before cooking time. When soft I just take off their skins then.
If you can't stand their smell, wear plastic clear gloves when doing their skins :)
Tumis Udang Pedas
To Cook :-
1. Saute grounded of 2 garlic and 2 small shallots.
2. Add in a pinch of belacan (shrimp paste) optional.
3. Add 1 tablespoon of blended dry chillies.
4. Stir well and add in the washed prawns.
5. Stir until prawns are cooked.
6. Add salt to taste.
Enjoy the above dishes with hot white rice :)
Wow..I don't cook on Sunday.. me lazy during weekends.. anyway, i like these vege... soft and nice when cooked..
ooo...didnt know can cook cakur manis this way. Normally I d=cook soup or fry with eggs
suker udang tapi kat bangi ni mahal lah.
Sedapnya cangkur manis with pumpkin. I loike!!!
I love udang so much Mak Isah tapi mmg malas buang kulit. Murahnya udang kat sana ye Mak Isah :)
udang? i suka betul mak, udang pedas ni pasti best kan :)
Claire, ini ikut angin je, kalau rajin mak isah cook, kalau tak memang Sundays my lazy days too :)
Yes, this vege is also nice if cooked dry with an egg.
Small Kuching - yes can be cooked this way. Oh yes, nicer if cooked dry with eggs :)
CikLilyPutih - Kat Bangi udang mahal eh? Apa tah lagi kalo udang besar ye?
Kat sini, Alhamdulillah, kalo mahal pun hingga RM8 je. Lain la kalo udang Galah, yang itu mahal!
TK, Sekali sekala masak tumis taroh soup sikit macam ni memang sedap makan nya panas2 :)
Suka udang jugak? Tu mak isah punye peberet tu he he, tapi kena jaga2 cholesterol makan seafood macam ni :)
Kalau musim udang memang murah kat sini.
Luciana, he he memang sedap udang masak pedas2 macam ni.
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