And I first learned how to eat these while I was in KK last week.
We went to have lunch at Gerai Pare Pare at Pasar Besar ( also known as Pasar Gantong) on our first day there.
Besides the other dishes we chose, we also tried these 2 dishes. Both were seaweeds that came from the sea, made into 'Kerabu' or in the form of 'Umai'.
They tasted nice and crunchy and you almost feel like you are eating 'Umai' Jellyfish.
This one was brown in color, initially dried then soaked and made into Kerabu
This one you have to buy it fresh then cooked immediately (that's what I learned).
So bila dah gian makan ni, I bought the same dried kind to bring home so that I can try and cooked it myself.
And I did :)
This came in a packet of RM6. Dried. Not the brown color but more on the purplish. This was how it looked like after washing away some of the salt (when they dried it they added some salt to it)
After washing, soak it for a couple of hours (at least 2 hours)
My Seeweed Umai
To Prepare :-
1. Cut the soaked Seaweed (Rumpai Laut) into an inch long. Washed clean, let dry in a sieve.
2. Add half of one big onion and several cili padi ( sliced).
3. Squeezed juice of limes (8 - 10 or more to taste).
4. Add salt to taste.
5. If you like, you can also add some slices of mango in it.
6. Serve as a side dish.
Have you tried this Rumpai Laut atau Agar-agar or Seaweed or Algae before? Before going to KK, I saw (for the first time) that brown colored seaweed (1st pic above) being sold by one Chinese lady in my house area 'Tamu'. But for RM40 per kg! I
I was asking myself at that time, what was so special about these that cost that expensive? Now, I know how it taste :)
Gerai Pare-Pare (What a name, somehow I cannot forget it's name :)
The table we were sitting
Our other dishes (2 types in one plate). Actually it was supposed to be 'Nasi Campur', whereas one person has a plate of her own with the dishes that she chose in the plate too, but they served us in this way. Very cheap too! For 3 of us they only charged us RM9 including free ice water & free 'Sup Kosong'.
I have bought this rumpai also. The shop told me can make into Ling Chi Kang type. I tried to make twice. Result the rumpai "melt". Maybe just not supposed to boil it.
aiieehhh.. ingat la kmk last year pun trip ke KK, emak kmk berpesan meli rumpei.. emak just sebut 'rumpai laut' hihi..
kotan sik sure rumpei nok nie sigek dimauk emak, kmk beli 2 jenis nok rona coklet ngan hijo bigik2 ya.. yalah tek, alu binggung emak pa mok polah ngan nok rona hijo bigik2 ya! 1st time nya temu ;P
nok kaler purple ya look nice la Mak Isah :) next trip ke KK mauk la kmk ncarik juak hehe..
I would love to try the sea weed. Saya suka..Bestkan duduk di Sabah. Byk seafood. Here in Kt takde pun all those sea weed. Yang hijau tu macam telur ikan atas sushi which I love so much. Nampak sedap semuanya..Thanks for sharing those photos and the recipe. Hanya jumpa semua ni kat blog Mak Isah!
Salam Mak Isah...
Posting ni betul2 buat saya terlioq... :)
Saya suka sangat makan rumpai yang hijau tu... Potong2 lepas tu campur dgn limau dan kicap.. Make it pedas dan makan dengan nasi putih panas.... Yummy...
Seaweed is good for us... nice too...
ish, ish, ish, malunye i nak mengaku i ni Sabahan tau... i langsung x tau gerai yg akak sebut tu.. pasar tu kat mane ek??
Err..never fancy rumpai laut. Probably i feel a bit eerie when put into the mouth..very slippery...ahahahha
Wah purple colour rumpai laut....sudah makan malam-malam kulit shining macam Avatar Navi...ha ha ha!
Small Kuching - Ling Chi Kang, you made yourself? That's good. Would love to share your recipe :)
Yes maybe the rumpai are just supposed to be soaked in water not boiled.
Best tau mak ktk pandei makan rumpai tok juak :) Mak isah baruk pandei...
Agak nya nok purple tok kat sama rasa ngan nok warna brown or chocolet ya..tapi mak rasa nok ijau bijik2 ya lebih sedap gik.
Thanks TK :)
The green bijik2 hijau tu lebih sedap dari yang brown or purple tu tapi mak isah tak sempat beli lagi. Noormy suka. Penjual tempat mak isah beli yang purple tu cakap yang ijau tu kena masak immediately pulak, tak seperti yang lain tu bole disimpan lama-lama.
Nanti bulan Nov mak isah pegi KK lagi.
Insyallah, mak isah nak kirim sikit pada TK & Ummu.
Bole bagi postal alamat TK tak? Ummu mak isah ada. Write to mak isah
Ummu, du hal ktk pandei makan rumpai tok he he...
Selalu gi KK? or memang ada di Kuching? Di Kuching sik perasan Mak isah ada...
Claire - Yes, I believe so too :)
Wyson _ Du hal ktk org Sabah eh? :)
Pasar Besar tok kan market jual sayur2 dibawah nya ya...atas ya food court kan? Next to KK Plaza and the overhead bridge? Very near to Hyatt Hotel. Ring a bell? Sori akak tak baca nama jalan nya he he...
Yee Ling - Now, I can imagine that he he...'slippery' :p
Pete - LOL...macam avatar navi, I wished!!
pernah makan, but never see the color turn purple like tat..
Luciana makan yang warna apa? Oohh...ynag purple ni memang kaler dia, bila mak isah beli memang pun dah warna purple.
Anak mak isah yang pertama tu Zu tak suka :)
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