But I've to wait until she arrived home a couple of minutes later riding on her motorbike after finishing morning duty at Marriott Resort and spa to confirm what I was guessing.
She's been promoted to GSA Supervisor!
That's the job she and I had been discussing for the last couple of weeks. She's been eyeing for the job as there was a vacancy. She's new there and barely been working for 2 years but I am so happy she got the job :)
Noormy with her sister Aya
Last month my 3rd daughter Aya was also been promoted to Regional Executive at her own line of job.
As a mother, I am too happy for words. I am glad they are where they are today.
What more can I ask?
p/s. Mak isah just wanna share :)
tahniah, tahniah...kak.. we as a mum sure proud of our kids achievement.... tp nampeknye i kena tunggu puluh tahun lagi ni baru nampak kot...kekeke
Congratulations to your girls!! as a mum, you must be very proud of their achievement!
mak isah,
congrats to them.. suruh diorg belanje tau.
Congratulation to your kids and they should enjoy their jobs too.
As for the photo in your blog, appreciate if you could put your trademark signature on one side of the photo so as not to damage the view.
Have a nice day.
congrats to ur girls!!! wah, must belanja la ni...
have a nice weekend :)
Congratulations to your girls
Salam MAk Isah,
My girls masuk tadika, dan saya dan tak boleh nak berhenti lap air mata... I think I understand what you feel at the moment...
Alhamdulillah and Tahniah.. Its really a good new to you... :)
Thank you sebab sudi share the good news with us here... :)
Perenggan berkaitan sepatutnya dibaca
"My girls masuk tadika, dan saya 'dah' tak boleh nak berhenti lap air mata..."
Iyson - betul tu, as a mom kak rasa sangat bangga lah. Terima kasih sebab dik faham perasaan kak :)
Puluh tahun tak lama sangat, celang celik mata dah tiba masa nya nanti. Macam kak, rasa nya masa berjalan begitu pantas, rasa nya kelmarin anak2 kak masih kecil lagi.
So enjoy our children as much as we can :)
Thank you Claire :) I am.
Have a good week ok :)
CikLily, Laa gelak mak isah baca tentang 'belanja' tuu..sebab bila mak isah gitau my girls, mereka jawab hari2 boleh belanja he he..hish..
Thank you :)
Thank you Pak Idrus :)
Yes will do so in future, thanks for the tip.
Have a good week ahead.
Thanks Luciana :)
Ha ha...belanja...mesti tu :p
Small Kuching - Thanks :)
Salam Ummu, As a mom mak isah pun faham perasaan Ummu tu..
Alhamdulillah..ye it's really was good news for mak isah.
Terima kasih sebab memahami perasaan mak isah :)
Have a good day at work
congrats kak!
bila anak2 enjoy what they do, and berjaya.... what else can a mother ask for kan?
Congratulation to your daughter and you too of course!! Semoga Mak Isah sekeluarga dimurahkan rezeki selalu.
Terima kasih Tia :) Yes Kak so happy for them.
Proud jugak :p
Terima kasih..Moga-moga termakbul atas doa TK tu..Amin Yarabil alamin..
Makasih TK :)
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