It is great to be back here. Mak isah been busy with my youngest daughter Noormy's Engagement Ceremony and for this last week had been recovering from sheer fatigue he he...
But Noormy looked so happy that day which made my hard work worth it :D
Noormy looking so happy

Mak isah hopes the pictures below will let you share a peek and says it all on what happened on Noormy's happy day the 17th July 2011...
To start off, this picture below showed these ladies from the man's side bringing the decorated 'Hantaran' to our house.

The 'Watikah Pertunangan' to be read

This group of 'Zikir' made the Ceremony more colorful.

The man's sister as representative to place his ring on Noormy's finger.

Salam from Noormy

His ring from Noormy

Noormy with her beautiful gifts.


Alhamdulillah...semua berjalan dengan lancar..
Last but not least 'Thank you' from
Noormy to all guests and friends who came and from Mak isah, a big 'Thank you' to all my blogger friends here with your wishes and for being sooo..patient awaiting for my ENTRY! :D
One for the memory...

Mak isah