Lately she has been travelling quite often due to work. She was away last August, just before Hari Raya for a week and only came back from KL on eve of Hari Raya.
And now she is in Kuching for a week again and will come back next week. What I missed about her is that when at home she wants to eat together with me and eat lots of vegetables. When going out somewhere or eating out she needs a friend or someone to be with her. It's embarrassing eating or walking alone she says.
That's Aya in purple tudong..., besides blog walking, Mak isah been browsing the net looking at some Nokia latest touch screen phones. He he...just contemplating to buy a new hp..(not immediately :P ) but don't know which can serve Mak isah well. Actually Mak isah stores and hears a lot of music with my hp wherever I go...and well...right now would wish to use Wifi with my phone.
What say you...? Mak isah likes Nokia though...
Some Nokia phones I've looked through (pictures are from the net).
View it's support page here

View it's support page here.

But they look expensive aren't they?