Beef Stew

Asam Pedas Ikan Tenggiri

I cooked these 2 dishes for the family within this week. The first one 'Beef Stew' was not so 'laku'. Even by evening, masih tak habis.
The second 'Asam Pedas Ikan Tenggiri' sangat 'laku'. By evening even the pineapple was also gone.
For me, I like 'Beef Stew' especially when there is a lot of potatoes. Only this time my dish looked pale because I ran out of carrot and capsicums. If I'd added these two, then the dish would have some color :)
The girls, hubby, Farouk & Alif's dad like the 'Asam Pedas Ikan Tenggiri' better. Farouk is very choosy about fish that he eats and like 'Ikan Tenggiri' (Mackerel) best. Noormy like 'Asam Pedas' with any fish as long as I add fresh pineapple slices into it. Soraya is not in favor of meat.
Anyway, I think I was the only one who like my 'beef stew' and ate more of it he he.
If you like 'Beef Stew' this is how I cook it.
To Prepare :
1. Cut 500gm meat into thin slices or to your taste, clean under running water and drip dry in a sieve.
2. Skin 4 - 5 potatoes and cut into cubes.
3. 1 tablespoon 'Rempah Sup'.
4. 1 tablespoon black pepper.
5. 1 tablespoon cornflour mixed well with a cup of water.
6. 1 carrot cut into cubes, some sliced tomatoes, 1/2 capsicum (optional).
To Cook:
1. Saute in a pan, grounded 1/2 inch ginger and 3 garlic.
2. Add in the meat. Add some water. Cook until almost tender.
3. Add the potatoes, the Rempah Sup, carrot, black pepper and more water.
4. Add in the cornflour. Cook until a bit thicker.
5. Add in 1 sliced large onion, the sliced tomatoes and the capsicum.
6. Add salt to taste.
How do you cook your 'Beef Stew'?