I do not know when it was that I really sat down and thought about how I looked in front of others.
One thing, I know very well that I was gradually putting on weight since...I do not really know exactly when. Subconsciously aware of it, I tried briskwalking and it was on and off. And the weight is still creeping on me. I am someone like when I have set doing something and enjoyed it then it will just go on and on. So why didn't I go on and on about my briskwalking? I didn't enjoyed it! I felt that I had to do my briskwalking to lose weight. Which is just isn't me .
A week after Hari Raya Aidil Eid, Noormy my youngest daughter messaged me from work and said,' Mom, help me. I really really want to lose weight. Can you find some aerobic classes going on in town? I really don't like what I see when I stand in front of the mirror.' So off I went. I just had to help her. She wants to lose weight and look good in her wedding attire in the near future.
I am very familiar about aerobic classes and how I think it should be conducted. There weren't many in town, not like in the olden days...my days :D It seemed such a long time ago (when I was working full time) since I last did my aerobics.
I came to this cardio and dance fitness class who called themselves 'Misa Luvi Cardio and Dance Fitness Centre'. I like it and the 3 girls who are sisters running the studio are very friendly. And the payment is reasonable. Of all 3 places the I went I like this one.
Well, to cut the story short not only Noormy and Aya goes there now. I do too LOL..Three times a week. And has been going there for the last 2 months.
Regardless of my age(can you imagine me a Senior dancing with all these young girls?)
So for those of you out there..who has been wondering where MI has disappeared to. This is what I have been doing. Fitting my aerobic classes into one of my everyday regime just like cooking for the family.
I needed time to get my perspective right ha ha...
Below is one example of the dance routine that we do at the studio (as shown in the video). I hope you can view it.
If you can't, just go to your YOU TUBE, search for MISA LUVI, definitely you can find this studio that I go to.
So if you are in Miri, come and join us. Let's have some fun while losing weight!
This studio is for everybody regardless of age!
Love you all!

dancing is a good way to stay healthy
Mama Isah! I used to go there too.. hehe but I stopped coz was too busy with work and travels. Mama Isah, Im now a page editor on facebook, we are trying to build fans and really get people to interact in it. Please like our page,
I call it Curvy District, its for plus size girls however the goal is not to just love yourself but also to stay healthy even though we are fat/curvy/big size and etc you would call it. Haha.. I miss you Mama Isah! Hope you're doing fine and yes!! dancing is a great work out! :)
with love! :)
Bravo! Good for you and your daughter! :-) Stay healthy, stay young, stay fit and stay fun!
Biru pun pernah join aerobik class sia dolok koh.. but then stop coz sik pat nak pegi ekot time class nya :(
sayang rasa walaupun tauk xtiviti ya berry-da-good :D
Small Kucing - thnxss. tht's true! :))
Hello mira dear, see you again here! I must apologise to all my blogger frens & you for having been away from this blog world for so long.
Yes my dear, dah 'liked'. & thanks a lot!
Alice Phua dear, thankss a lot! wahh your must have grown by now!
Enjoy your holidays :)
Salam biru! pa kabar? eh lamaaaa x dgr berita kita dua tok kan? mesti ada nangga2 MI kayo2 d pasar tok he he..
Join lagi la biru, so MI can meet you he he...
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