I did. And it's easy.
I buy 2 or 3 'ikat' of 'Kai Choy' at the Tamu Muhibbah for RM1 each or if I am lucky I can bargained and get RM2 for 3 'ikat' (bunch). That is cheap, compared to buying a small packet of Salted Mustard for RM1.20 at the Supermarket.
Yes, before you turned it into 'Sayur Masin' (Salted Mustard) you called the 'Sayur' (vegetable), 'Kai Choy'.
'Kai Choy' is the Asian ethnic nickname of mustard cabbage. I called it 'Sayur Pahit'. If you cooked it fresh and as a vegetable you can taste some bitterness in it.
My Salted Mustard or My Sayur Masin.

To make Sayur Masin :
Run the bought Kai Choy under tap water to clean them.
Drip dry.
Take one whole stalk, rummage and twist gently the leaves round so that they became soften. Do the same to the rest of the vegetables.
Hang each stalk on your cloth line (preferably) to dry (not too dry).
Boil some water in a pot.
Add some turmeric powder for color and some salt (according to your taste). Stir the water well.
Let the water be lukewarm before putting in the stalks of Kai Choy or Mustard Cabbage in.
Cover with a lid. Leave for 2 to 3 days.
In between days, check to see whether all the stalks of Mustard Cabbage are under water.
After a couple of days the Salted Mustard will be ready for consumption. Take each stalk out and arrange in a glass plate (like the above picture), cover them and store in your fridge.
To Cook:
Slice the 'Sayur Masin' or Salted Mustard thinly. Wash and drip dry in a sieve.
Saute sliced shallots (3 pieces). sliced garlic (2 pieces) and sliced ginger (1/2 inch) in a pan.
You can add 1 sliced red chili (optional).
When the saute ingredients above are aromatic, add in 2 eggs. Stir well.
Add in the 'Sayur Masin'.
Add ajinomoto to taste and if necessary salt (if your 'Sayur Masin' isn't enough 'masin' for you :p
Serve hot with rice and with your main dish.
My Cooked Sayur Masin
Selamat Berpuasa and have a Great Sunday everyone!
time sahur kalau ada sayur asin punya dish berselera makan kan..
thanks for sharing Puan Isah.. :)
Puan, your salted vege looks good, at least it is home made and not those in the market which we do not know what and how they rendam the kai choy.. Happy Berpuasa!
Salam Isah
Your sayur asin sure looks nice & neat! Unlike the one found in the kedai. The bubur pedas is something new to me. It does look pedas, but would certainly give more uuumph to our buka puasa. Tak buka geraikah, Isah?
Kak Isah .. cool! lol.. i never knew we can make own sayur asin... i likey :D
Yes, i heard this kai choy can use to make sayur masin and taste good too. I m a lazy mom, guess will never DO it myself..LOL!!
I have never tried sayur masin.Now I know how to prepare it. TQ :)
Klau buat sendiri kan bagus..
Yg kat kedai tu...I takut nak beli.
Salam puan isah...saya tak pernah beli n juga makan sayur masin ni..akk nya mesti best.....buat kat umah dh tentu halal...tq ya puan isah
Betul tu Lady of Leisure, bertambah selera makan he he...lagipun my tastebuds asyik nak makan benda2 asam je bila berpuasa ni :p
You're most welcome!
Thank you reanaclaire :) Am making some more salted kai choy today.
Salam Temuk
Terima kasih...sayur asin itu pun dah abis, sedang buat lagi hari ini, anak2 'berlalak' (local swak language means keep on wanting some more) makan sayur asin isah ha ha...
Bubur Pedas tu memang masakan istimewa dibulan Puasa di Swak. Right, Pedas dan rasa rempah nya Temuk, memang sedap!
Tak buka gerai cendol mulai kelmarin Temuk, isah ambil kesempatan cuti 2 minggu sebelum Hari Raya :) Lepas Raya baru mula lagi.
Merryn, you never knew? he he now you do. And it's easy!
Have a wonderful day my dear :)
Mommy Ling, sshh, never say you're lazy he he which I think you are not. You are good in other things too you know :)
Enjoy your day!
Betul tu Tk, dan sangat senang membuat nya kan? Hari ni mak isah dah buat lagi pun...
Salam sayang :)
Salam rosa, wah tak pernah makan sayur asin ni? Sedap kalo campur dengan telor, lagi sedap dan halal kalo buat sendiri :)
you're welcome rosa!
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