They are called 'Asam Binjai'.
I can't find them sold in any of the two 'Tamu Muhibbah' here in town. Yesterday hubby brought them home and I asked where did he buy them. He said he was passing Kpg Luak near Bakam area he saw the fruits being sold by some ladies on the roadside and remembered I used to crave for these fruits when I was carrying my 3rd girl Aya.
I asked,' are they the sweet type?' He said,' the ladies said they are quite masam (sour)'.
When I peeled the skin off one and took one piece to eat, it was soooooo masam!
LOL... I had craved for the sweet ones of course!
I do not know much about these fruits. What I know was they are 2 types, one is sour and the other sweet. And all I remembered was I first discovered it in the 'Tamu Muhibbah' in Brunei years ago when I was visiting my father there. At that time I was carrying Aya. After that first bite, I kept returning to the 'Tamu Muhibbah' each morning to buy them. And those were the sweet ones of course!
Asam Binjai

The children has never eaten them before, each passed the kitchen table, looked at the fruits and asked what fruit were those. Zu tasted it and said 'so masam'! Noormy wouldn't even touch it.
I was cracking my mind what to do with them and suddenly thought of making 'Sambal Asam Binjai' out of them.
So what I did was slice the soft white fruit into small pieces. I couldn't chop them thinly like a young mango as the flesh were too soft.
To make the 'Sambal Asam Binjai' -
I grounded 3 big red chillies and about 12 very small 'cili padi'.
Add a flat tablespoon of 'belacan' (shrimp paste).
Finely ground the above ingredients.
Add in some anchovies.
Ground them lightly (not too fine).
Add into the plate of slice 'Asam Binjai'.
Add a pinch of salt and ajinomoto.
Sprinkle some sugar to taste.
Mix lightly and well.
When I make chopped 'Sambal Asam' with these same ingredients I always cool it in the fridge first before eating. So I did likewise with this 'Sambal Asam Binjai'.
I find them just as tasty and hot!
And I ate most of it! LOL...
So tell me, is there any other ways of eating this SOUR 'Asam Binjai'? :)
Before mixing the grounded ingredients

My homemade 'Sambal Asam Binjai'.
