'Simple Moments are Sometimes the Best Moments'

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Monday, June 22, 2009

85. A New Addition

On Father's Day I went to 'V Pet Shop' to get Wiskas & Cat's litter sand for Wiwi. I asked the lady whether she still have the Siamese cats that I saw the other day. She said all were sold but do I want a free cat? I asked where and she said have a look outside in the cage, there were 2. So I went outside to look and my eyes caught immediately at one of the cats which has big round grey eyes. It was a 'he' and it's an ordinary cat, not Siamese or Persian either.

I asked the lady how old was the cat colored white & yellow but she didn't really know the date of birth and said the owner asked her help to give away the cats, that was all.
I have no intention of getting an ordinary cat except if it is a Siamese or a Persian breed but this one looks so cute to me.

After a couple of minutes the lady had already packed him in a box for me to carry to my car. That was how this new addition had come about.

It was finally in the car that I decided to call him CEMI, pronounced 'Sammy'.

His eyes are cute aren't they?

Well, except his ears of course lol.... I didn't like them, but that's so okay I think :)

Cemi been with me for 3 days now, and trying to get accustomed to the new environment but he's feeding well.


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